Reducing CO2 by one million tons
Klaus Pöttinger aims to save the atmosphere one million tons of C02
Pöttinger Waste Disposal Technology is aiming to establish biogas generation with Pöttinger Fermenter as the missing link between the renewable energy sources sun, wind and water. Through the consistent implementation of the life-cycle principle of nature, there are opportunities to acquire and store energy (methane) and simultaneously promote the humus build-up. The target of relieving the atmosphere should be achieved through a mixture of measures. On the one hand this is possible through the production of biogas from organic waste (organic waste bin, food waste, animal excrement, etc.), and on the other hand through a reduction in transport with the use of highly compacting press containers. The project is being further supported through afforestation measures in degraded areas.
Using the life-cycle of nature
DI Klaus Pöttinger:
“In nature, there is no waste”
Pöttinger Fermenter logically realises this. Almost all organic waste can be used on a decentralised basis in our plants in accordance with the 3-A method (aaerobic – aanaerobic (with the exclusion of air) – aaerobic) for energy recovery. This results in high quality compost, which is used for the humus build-up in agriculture and strengthens the CO2 storage capacity of the soil here in a natural way.“The fermentation process takes place in a stable way in multiple containers. Exclusively biological processes lead to the fermentation and therefore the formation of methane. The archaea make an excellent contribution to this; in the same way as they did when natural gas was formed millions of years ago.
D.I. Klaus Pöttinger: "We must be deeply thankful to our microorganisms, because they are what made the Earth habitable. Other innovators want to inhabit Mars. We at Pöttinger Waste Disposal Technology want to stay on the Earth, faithful to our motto “One World”!! With the development and installation of the Pöttinger Fermenter technology, I wish to make my contribution to this. In doing so, I will focus on efficiency and cost-effectiveness.”
Power generation with biogas
Pöttinger Fermenter is an outstanding, scalable solution and can therefore be used on a decentralised, scattered basis.The organic “waste” can be processed there where it is generated, and used in agriculture for the build-up of humus after just a short journey. Feeding the organic compost back results in an intensified humus build-up and the soil is transformed back into a CO2 store rather than a source. Further investigations should demonstrate whether this compost, which contains many minerals (such as valuable phosphorus and nitrogen), also makes a contribution to changing the nitrogen life-cycle, thereby reducing the use of artificial fertilisers and even increasing the micronutrient contents in foods. Further development targets are the decentralised feeding of biomethane into the natural gas network and the decentralised liquefaction of the biomethane obtained (LNG) for use in vehicles.
Fact block:
Austria generates approx. 80 million tons of CO2 jährlich.annually. One installed system saves the atmosphere approx 7500 tons of CO2. over the service period. As such, the target can be attained with approx. 150 installed systems. Additionally, CO2 are saved over the service life. Furthermore, the atmosphere will be further relieved through concrete afforestation measures. One hectare of beech forest binds around 500 tons of CO2are saved over the service life. Furthermore, the atmosphere will be further relieved through concrete afforestation measures. One hectare of beech forest binds around 500 tons of CO2 Pöttinger Waste Disposal Technology will report quarterly on the progress of the project.