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RespACT – sustainable development

PÖTTINGER Fermenter has joined respACT, Austria’s leading platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development. We are more than happy to have become a member and look forward to the joint further development of important future topics.

The initiative respACT responds to businesses of all sizes, from small companies to major corporations, for whom CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is a real corporate principle.

This is an approach we can really identify with, since our entire business model is geared towards sustainable development and climate protection: Permanently reducing CO2 emissions, strengthening the CO2 capacity of the soil through humus build-up and making sensible use of organic residues. We are also committed to creating public awareness as a leading voice in sustainable recycling.

Communication and collaboration are also the top priorities at respACT. The network thus offers its members opportunities for exchange with stakeholders from business, politics and society. In return, we contribute our know-how as a partner. The common goal of all respACT members is to establish the basic prerequisites for achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations according to Agenda 2030 in Austria. These include, for instance, affordable and clean energy, responsible consumption and production, climate action and sustainable cities and communities.
