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First Million Euros Turnover Mark Reached!

As the saying goes, the first million is always the hardest. The Austrian environment engineering start-up PÖTTINGER Fermenter has now reached this magical mark thanks to its innovative fermenter containers. This proves that it is possible to achieve economic growth while still adopting a responsible approach to our ecosystem.
Company owner and graduate engineer Klaus Pöttinger believed in the success of container-based dry fermentation from the very start. The start-up PÖTTINGER Fermenter was founded in the summer of 2017 and has gained a firm footing in the market in less than two years. A new major project in Vienna Neustadt underlines the popularity of the innovative fermenter containers in the waste management sector: In 2019, a plant will be put into operation that upgrades 7,500 tonnes of biogenic waste, mainly from municipal organic waste bins, to valuable energy sources each year, thereby saving 7,000 tonnes of CO2. A project that demonstrates: Economic growth and climate protection can go hand in hand. Klaus Pöttinger was also convinced of this from the very beginning. His vision of saving one million tonnes of environmentally harmful CO2 in 10 years is gradually becoming a reality. By the end of the first quarter of 2019, 23% of this target will already have been achieved; a saving of 228.334 tonnes of CO2.
